Test FAQ

Questions are divided in categories. Click on the subject you are interested in to display answers.
Q1. What is the calculation method to obtain the acceleration factor?
Q2. How to determine Ea (Activation energy)?
Q3. To how many years under ambient temperature and humidity conditions does correspond a test at 120ºC/ 85%rh performed during 100 hours in a HAST?
Q4. To how many hours of Thermal cycling test does liquid thermal test correspond to?
Q1. When performing a Temperature Cycling Test to evaluate the solder joints reliability, does the fact of taking the specimen out and in of the test area has an impact on the test results?
Q1. A specimen did not failed under a test at 131ºC/ 85%rh, but failed when performing a test at 121ºC/ 100%rh in a shorter period. Does this mean that even under lower temperature, the pressure saturation is a greater stress on the specimen?
Q2. According to the literature on PCT (Pressure Cooker), because of sudden change of temperature/ pressure after the test, the vapor contained in the specimen boil and re-radiate, thus inducing mechanical damages on the specimen. Is this phenomenon really happen?
Q1. Where is the deterioration of solders usually determined?
Q2. What is the cause of solder cracks generation?
Q1. What is the water consumption of a Temperature & Humidity Chamber (Platinous K Series) when operated at 85ºC/ 85%rh.?
Q2. Between a test at 60ºC/ 95%rh and 85ºC/ 85%rh, which one is the most severe?

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